A mallard duck joins his very first winter migration in Bedford’s debut chapter book.
The animals of Havenwood Cove in Canada are preparing for the upcoming winter. Squirrels gather food, and bears ready themselves for hibernation. Ducks, like Harold and his best friend Markie, will be migrating south all the way to Louisiana in the United States. As some of the ducks have never taken such a trip, they train in particular skills, like flying in a “V” formation. Harold wants to do well, mostly to catch more of fellow duck Beverly’s attention. She’s always friendly, but as Harold really wants to impress her, he comes up with a few things he can try during their journey. No duck is perfect, so he doesn’t fly impeccably or nail his landings every time. His biggest obstacle is indisputably wood duck Dylan, a show-off who also has his eyes on Beverly. More important, Harold has yet to learn about dangers that every traveling duck will face down south. Bedford’s mostly lighthearted story is chock-full of educational bits for readers. Boxed-off info illuminates such curious topics as sunlight-reflecting sundogs and the importance of ducks’ group-oriented allopreening. (Occasional footnotes do the same thing.) The cast is all-around solid, including foxes, hares, owls, the amiable bunch in Havenwood Cove, and various migratory birds Harold and others meet along the way. There’s plenty of humor throughout, from Harold and Markie regularly calling Dylan a “duckwad” to constant reminders that the ducks don’t walk but waddle (as when an angry Harold “turns around and waddles away”). Darker moments hit home as well, as not every duck makes it to Louisiana and not every animal manages to evade predators. Bedford’s detailed black-and-white sketches enhance memorable descriptions of Madleine the moose’s “gangly legs” and the ducks silhouetted against the Northern Lights.
Anthropomorphic animals exhibit lots of personality in this entertaining and enlightening tale." –Kirkus Reviews
Charming and educational, The Boomerang Gang takes young readers on an exciting journey across North America. Kids and adults will enjoy this fun and suspenseful story that educates while it entertains.
The story follows Harold, a young mallard drake, as he’s about to embark on his first-ever migration. Harold is part of a flock of 13 mallards, including his best friend, Markie, feisty Lynn, and lovely Beverly, the mallard of Harold’s dreams. Under the direction of Instructor Riley, the group leaves their summer home of Havenwood Cove near Great Slave Lake in Canada’s Northwest Territories for Duck Lake in Louisiana, United States. The birds endure long, exhausting flights, competition for food and friends, and new predators but keep going in their urgency to reach their winter home.
The book is full of educational tidbits about mallards and other wildlife and even adults will learn a few new things. Bedford’s illustrations are a specially-added charm that will tickle readers’ hearts. The Boomergang Gang is a perfect read – summer or winter." –Kathryne Cardwell, Author
A cute, heartwarming love story, showing kindness, compassion, and friendships of all different kinds while educating on the migration of the Mallard Duck." –Corinn L
Bedford is a natural storyteller." –Janine
The unique animal characters were all very relatable. You could empathize, laugh, and cry with them with the ordeals they went through." –T. Di Carlo, retired teacher
Humorous, fun, packed with interesting educational information, well-developed characters, wonderful visual descriptions of events and places, plus cool integrated ‘human’ activities for the ducks. Sequel, please!" –L. Marshall, retired teacher
A marvelous story about our feathered friends and their journey south. The author has done a great job of inserting knowledgeable information about Canada and USA's geography along with explanations about our wildlife in general. A great read for the young and old. This book has given me a new prospective on our wildlife and their struggles to survive. Well done, Diane! I'm keeping my copy and gifting a second copy to Lily, my friend's granddaughter. I know she will love Harold and his friends." –Susan Lee
I just finished reading this wonderful book. It is an amazing story of how mallard ducks and other waterfowl migrate south every year. Diane Bedford did an excellent job of researching the many safe bird sanctuaries in Canada and the United States available for waterfowl, and how migrating birds are born with unique navigational ability to find their way home. This book is fun, full of humour and sprinkled with interesting facts. A perfect resource for teachers. I purchased 14 copies for my grandchildren who live in Canada and the United States." -D. Brown